Call us Now: 301-541-8052

Let us inspect and provide the reports you need to rent, buy, sell, renovate; or operate daycare/assisted living business in pre-1978 dwelling.


Schedule your appointment today for Dust Sampling or X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Lead Based Paint (LBP) Inspections.

We service Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC — performing Lead Based Paint Inspections for property managers, landlords, real estate agents, sellers, buyers, renovators, daycare centers, assisted living facilities, environmental firms, and others.


Schedule your appointment today for Dust Sampling or X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Lead Based Paint (LBP) Inspections.

We service Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC — performing Lead Based Paint Inspections for property managers, landlords, real estate agents, sellers, buyers, renovators, environmental firms, and others.

About Us

  • We can provide the lead based paint certificates and reports you need!
  • Apartment complexes? Yes!  Residential? Yes! Commercial? Yes! Schools? Yes! Daycare Centers? Yes! Assisted Living Facilities? Yes!
  • Whether you need a Certificate to rent or knowledge of whether surfaces contain lead based paint, we stand ready to help.
  • Why us? We’re flexible and can accommodate appointments in the mornings, midday, afternoons, evenings, weekdays, weekends, and even holidays!
  • Why us? Having completed over 3000 inspections, we’re experienced, professional, and trustworthy!
  • Why us? We own pre-1978 rental units and are lead inspection clients too!
  • Why us? We’re licensed, bonded, and insured.